Hearing Tests

As the third most experienced physical condition, hearing loss is a major public health concern, affecting people of all ages. In the US alone, an estimated 48 million individuals suffer from some degree of hearing loss; that’s 1 out of 5 people. By age 65, that rises to 1 out of 3 people. And unfortunately, most people neither realize they have some form of hearing loss, nor seek treatment even if they suspect they might. But we here at The Hearing Aid Center want to change those statistics by encouraging everyone to schedule a hearing test.

The Importance of Hearing Tests

When it comes to hearing loss, early detection and treatment is crucial. Once you lose your hearing, there is no way to get it back. Regularly scheduled hearing tests can help track changes to your hearing over time so it’s easier to recognize things like hearing loss. The purpose of a hearing test is to help determine your baseline hearing and whether you have hearing loss, as well as the type and degree, if any.

Addressing your hearing loss is essential for several compelling reasons:

Multiple studies have shown that hearing loss directly impacts mental health. Even more importantly, untreated hearing loss is associated with an increased risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Hearing loss inhibits your ability to hear important sounds like traffic, sirens and verbal warnings. Without your sense of hearing, you are at increased risk of danger.

Being unable to understand people can cause individuals with hearing loss to isolate themselves from friends and family, as well as affect their ability to function in a professional setting.

What Happens During a Hearing Test?

During a hearing test, a professional hearing healthcare provider will assess your ability to hear sounds and your sensitivity to noises. The appointment starts with questions regarding your hearing and lifestyle, followed by a physical exam of your ears, then a test that assesses your auditory function. The entire process is easy, painless and straightforward.

After your hearing test has concluded, your provider will discuss your test results with you. If they determine you have some form of hearing loss, they will first explain the type of hearing loss. Then, they will put together a treatment plan unique to your situation and lay out any immediate next steps such as a hearing aid fitting. If they do not detect any hearing loss, the provider will schedule your next routine hearing test to continue monitoring your hearing health.

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